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Our Organization
The Braeswood Place Homeowners Association is a neighborhood association chartered in 1951, created to promote the welfare and protect the property values in an area encompassing 2,200 residences in Ayrshire, Braes Heights, Braes Manor, Braes Oaks, Braes Terrace, Emerald Forest and Southern Oaks subdivisions. Six Officers, serving one or two years, and twelve Area Directors, serving three years, are selected by a Nominating Committee and elected by marked ballots (write-ins are welcome) received from the Association Members each year.

Block Captains - A Vital Communication Link
Area Directors select Block Captains for each block in their area. These dedicated workers deliver the Sentinel (monthly newsletter), welcome newcomers, assist with communications and supply a vital link between the Homeowners and their Association.
Who runs the association?
In addition to the elected Officers, Area Directors and Block Captains, the Association has Committees in charge of the function and activities listed on the officers, directors, and volunteers page.